SILVER GEM Country DancesFriday, 03. September 1999
Callerlab Basic & Mainstream DefinitionsBASIC MOVEMENTS 40-4940. WHEEL AND DEAL FAMILY: Starting formation -line(s) of four facing in the same direction or a two-faced line. (a) WHEEL AND DEAL (from a line of four). The left hand couple only takes a step forward. The couples wheel (180°) toward the center of the line with the center dancer of each couple acting as the pivot point about which the couples turn. The couple that started on the right half of the line wheels in front of the other couple. Both couples end facing the same direction with the original left hand couple standing behind the original right hand couple. (b) WHEEL AND DEAL (from a two-faced line): Each couple steps straight ahead one step. Each couple then wheels (180°) toward the center of the line with the center dancer of each couple acting as the pivot point about which the couples turn. Couples end facing each other. STYLING: Use couple handholds. Inside dancers serve as the pivot point and should exert slight pressure to assist as in any wheel around movement. TIMING: 4 steps. 41. DOUBLE PASS THRU: Starting formation -double pass thru. Dancers move forward, passing right shoulders with two other dancers to finish facing away from the center of the set in a completed double pass thru formation. STYLING: Same as in pass thru. Dancer leads slightly with right shoulder and therefore the lady could use her right hand to work her skirt by putting it in front of her as she passes. TIMING: 4 steps. 42. ZOOM: Starting formation -starting and completed double pass thru, two-faced lines, single file promenade, columns, box circulate and promenade. From one couple following another, each dancer in the lead couple separates away from his partner and walks around a full circle (360°) to end in the position of the dancer who was directly behind him. Meanwhile, each trailing dancer steps directly forward into the vacated position of the lead dancer. Every dancer ends facing in the same direction he started. From a setup where one dancer is following another, the lead dancer walks away from the center of the square and around in a full circle (360°) to the position of the dancer who was directly behind him. Meanwhile, the trailing dancer steps directly forward into the position vacated by the lead dancer. STYLING: Lead dancers hold arms in natural dance position. Ladies skirt work optional. Trailing dancers use couple handhold. In zoom it is important that lead dancers initiate the roll out movement with a slight forward motion to allow sufficient room for trailing dancers to step through comfortably. TIMING: 4 steps. 43. FLUTTERWHEEL FAMILY: Starting formation -facing couples. (a) FLUTTERWHEEL: The right hand dancers go in to the center and turn by the right forearm. As they move adjacent to the opposite dancer, they reach out with the free (left) hand and, taking the right hand of the opposite dancer, each continues on around to the original right hand dancer's starting position, releasing arms in the center and turning as a couple to face the center. (b) REVERSE FLUTTERWHEEL: Generally the same as flutterwheel except that the two left-hand dancers start with a left forearm turn and pick up the opposite dancers to return to their (the left hand dancer's) starting position. STYLING: Dancers turning in the center should remember the principle of the forearm turn (see Basics #6c and d ). The dancer being picked up can enhance the movement by anticipating the approach of the opposite dancer and step beside that person, taking normal couple handhold. If girls are on the outside, skirt work with the free hand is desirable. TIMING: From a static square (SS), head or side ladies, 8 steps. All four ladies, 12 steps. 44. SWEEP A QUARTER: Starting formation -facing couples in a circling movement (right or left). Dancers continue the circling movement one quarter (90°) in the direction of their body flow. STYLING: All dancers use couple handholds. Couples working together should smoothly disengage previous handhold and blend into the sweeping basic. TIMING: 2 couples, 2 steps; all 4 couples, 4 steps. 45. VEER FAMILY: (a) LEFT (b) RIGHT -Starting formation -facing dancers, facing couples, mini waves or two-faced lines. Two facing couples working as a unit, or two facing dancers move to the left (or right, as directed) and forward to end in a two-faced line or mini wave respectively. From a mini wave or a two-faced line, the veering direction must be toward the center of the mini wave or line. Each dancer, or couple working as a unit, moves forward and inward to end back to back with the other dancer or couple respectively. STYLING: All dancers use couple handhold. Outside hands in normal dance position. TIMING: Box, 2 steps; SS, heads or sides, 4 steps. 46. TRADE BY: Starting formation -trade by or any formation in which two couples are facing each other and the other couples are facing out. The couples facing each other pass thru, the couples facing out do a partner trade to face in. STYLING: Same as pass thru and partner trade. TIMING: 4 steps. 47. TOUCH 1/4: Starting formation -facing dancers. Dancers touch and without stopping turn one quarter (90°) by the right. STYLING: Use normal hands-up, palm-to-palm position, with hands about shoulder level. TIMING: 2 steps. 48. CIRCULATE FAMILY: Starting formation -waves, columns, lines and two-faced lines. GENERAL RULE: Directed (active) dancers move forward along the circulate path to the next position. The circulate paths for various formations are indicated by the dotted lines in the diagrams. (a) BOYS CIRCULATE, (b) GIRLS CIRCULATE, (c) ALL EIGHT CIRCULATE, (d) ENDS CIRCULATE, (e) CENTERS CIRCULATE: Directed dancers circulate using the general rule. (f) COUPLES CIRCULATE: Starting formation -lines or two-faced lines. Each couple, working as a unit, moves forward along the circulate path to the next position, using the general rule. (g) BOX CIRCULATE: Starting formation -box circulate. Each dancer moves forward along the circulate path to the next position, using the general rule. (h) SINGLE FILE CIRCULATE (COLUMN): Starting formation -columns. Each dancer moves forward along the circulate path to the next position, using the general rule. (i) SPLIT CIRCULATE: Starting formation -lines, waves or columns. The formations divide into two separate boxes and dancers circulate within their own foursome, using the general rule. STYLING: All dancers use couple handhold when doing a couples circulate. Couples traveling the shorter distance should adjust with shorter steps to coincide with those traveling the longer distance. Those traveling the longer distance should avoid rushing. Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call. TIMING: From ocean waves (OW), centers, 4 steps; ends, 4 steps; all, 4 steps; couples, 4 steps. (Editor's Note: In the following six circulate "paths", the facing directions of all of the dancers in any of the examples could be reversed so that 12 different "paths" will result.) 49. FERRIS WHEEL: Starting formation -two parallel two-faced lines. The couples facing out wheel and deal to become the outside couples in a double pass thru formation. Meanwhile, the couples facing in step straight ahead to momentarily form a two-faced line in the center. Without stopping, they wheel and deal in that line to end as the center couples in a double pass thru formation. STYLING: All dancers use couple handholds. It is important that those couples doing a half circulate form a momentary two-faced line in the center (perhaps touching hands to ensure the two-faced line position) before starting their wheel and deal motion. Couples do not start wheel and deal motion from original starting position. They must circulate half to the momentary two-faced line. TIMING: 6 steps. |
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